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Here's a brief video showing the benefits of using the Puppy Culture System...

A Look Inside Puppy Culture

Puppy Culture represents a gold standard in puppy rearing and early socialization.


Puppy Culture is a program used by Breeders and Puppy owners, all over the world to improve the lives of their puppies and to limit behavioral issues by helping puppies to cope with and move past things that would otherwise cause issues as adults.

We believe Puppy Culture is a valuable resource for caring and ethical breeders, along with new and old puppy owners, rescues, and is a fantastic add-on to attending a good puppy preschool.  


Breeders especially, by using Puppy Culture, can improve the lives of your puppies with just a few minutes each day and it dramatically makes a difference when comparing a puppy raised by Puppy Culture vs a puppy raised the alternative (non puppy culture) method. Less issues, more brain development, more bonding, more balance and the ability to adjust better, why wouldn't we choose to use Puppy Culture in our breeding program?!?!

We are proud to offer such an exceptional program with our litters!  As breeders, we strive to provide our litters with an enriched environment as this has been proven to develop a more confident and easily trained dog.


Our goal is to set each puppy up for success! 


However, Puppy Culture takes that a step further! For us it was an obvious decision to add this invaluable tool to our program to further our puppies' development and well-being!


We understand how important early socialization is and this starts with a committed breeder. In result, you will take home a puppy who is confident, outgoing and will adjust quickly to new situations. 


...and it doesn't have to stop once you bring your puppy home! 


The following links will help families continue on the path of Puppy Culture training...

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